Monday 28 January 2013

The Thin White Dude's Movie Of The Month: December 2012 - Argo

The star of the film is unquestionably Ben Affleck, who excels in all of his working capacities as producer, director and actor in his best film to date. It also has a well-established and believeable period mise-en-scene, with the cinematography and editing serving an artistic purpose. Hollywood satire and political thriller come together in this picture; tight, efficient and intelligent, Argo is a jackknife masterpiece.

The Thin White Dude's Prognosis - 9.3/10

Runner-Up: Life Of Pi - As technically astute a film as you'll get, with a beautiful score and brave confidence from Ang Lee's determined direction.

Honorable Mention(a): Hara-Kiri: Death Of A Samurai - Great lead performance from Ebizo Ichikawa in a controlled, austere and poignant drama that reveals another layer to Takashi Miike

Honorable Mention(b): Chronicle - Low-budget found-footage powerhouse that at best brings to mind Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira. Great film

Second-Most Deadly Disease: Rampart - A good film, but it is Woody Harrelson as Atlas bearing the celestial sphere, as it can be a very messy film in parts.

Avoid Like The Plague: John Carter - I've seen a lot worse, but it is an overweight lumbering sturgeon of a movie that takes an age to start. How can I be so bored at this?

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